Thursday, May 27, 2010


Blorg: an online blog and blurb hybrid (a term invented by Melogno, my favorite Physics teacher, and cultivated and defined by yours truly).


What would you call a blog that isn't online? Is it even possible? Would it be like a sporadic, free periodical that focussed on what books or films the sole creator was "into" right then, hobbies, and emotional ranting,? If the internet somehow suddenly ceased to exist, could blogs carry on?

These are the kinds of questions that keep me up at night.


So tomorrow I present on DEATH (the afterlife). I'm pretty stoked (such a beachbum word, I apologize, though not enough to actually remove it) about the whole talking for two hours thing. In all my life I've never been asked to provide accounts of my research on the macabre for more than a moment or two (if at all) and I've certainly never been allowed accompanying activities and art projects. This just might make my life.

That would be kind of sad, though.

Anywho... not much to say, except that I felt like blogging. And that I began my day with making fun of T. A. Edison and then later used him as a rather good example for allowing his nuttier ideas to influence his more serious work and vice versa. Poor Thomas Alva.

Oh! I've decided to command people's attention tomorrow with food rather than my voice, while it is sultry and alluring, I understand that it likens to the buzzing sound of a small insect's wings after short periods of time (or so believe the majority of the occupants of my small chunk of world). ;p

I'd like to conclude this blorg with a quote that really stands out to me, not only as a scholar, but as a human being.

-- Thomas Alva Edison

Friday, May 21, 2010

Did Somebody Say Rainbow Cupcakes???

How does one accomplish such a foreboding task? Well, it's not easy...

First you make white cake mix in a BIG bowl. (Follow their instructions, not mine. And make sure you get a thin batter, preferably one without pudding mix inside, because it's a real pain in the neck to pour-- it gets to be more like scraping, eventually. I learned that the hard way...)

Then you divide (and conquer) the batter into six bowls, then add some color. (Three to four drops of liquid food coloring really worked well for me, for purple and orange I added about three drops of each sub-pigment to achieve the vibrancy featured below.)

Okay, here's the hard part-- you have to put like a tiny scoop (maybe less than half a teaspoon) into each cupcake cup... it will eventually (after twenty to twenty five minutes) look like this D:

The rest is easy peasy, just Bake*Frost*Serve*!

Yup... this is how I spend my evenings. I'm a Wilde thing. ;p

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Promenade Ball

Wow! It has been SUCH a long time since last I've blogged. My apologies.

So I've been super busy lately, senior year is coming to a close, I've just ordered the proof copy for my research book, Above and Beyond, I lost my dream chart and-- oh yeah-- prom was this Friday!

So that's me (it's the only prom picture of me that I actually like at the moment) looking super hot with the spectacular curls that my cousin so generously created. That's my date back there, a Sir Joseph Thorne (a decedent of Tristran and Evaine, no doubt)... we sort of... took each other... I'm not really sure how that worked, but we went together and it was fabulous.
Prom was at the Richard Nixon Library, and the theme was Victorian which suited me just fine (so, so Oscar). We danced and drank cucumber water and talked about the seven husbands I plan on one day having... It was brilliant.
Do you like my seat belt sash?