Saturday, February 28, 2009

Nightmares and Repression

I realized as I was writing the title of this brand new blog, that I'm going to sound like an emo kid who hates the world and wants to die... good thing I don't really care :)
Anywho, I decided to finally cave and write a blog here, on Blogspot, because I have this new, unexplained hatred for myspace, and a super duper love of blogging... If only i had endless fans to read them... *sigh*
Bee Barker is the new black!
LoL JK!!!

So back to the title; it has true meaning.
So last night I had this horrid nightmare, as partially insane people quite often have, where.... well, it was... private.
But fear not curiouser and curiouser non-fans, for I have written it all down in a simple, silly, quite stupid, comprehensible short story that lacks detail and a filter. I sort of hate/love it.
It's about this FBI agent, who takes a case... and it turns out, that something happened to her in childhood, that she repressed all this time!
*Yay! My title is now relevant!*
SO I went to this party. And met this GREASY politician. I made a brave new world reference. Christina, my best mate, LoL, I'm so not British, laughed hysterically. My mom rolled her eyes. and the greasy went
SO then, since it was a mustapha mond reference, I was like
"Well, if you ever need a propagandist, just give me a call" because he was trying to get me to do volunteer work and, because of my mom, somehow imagined that I was eager to be a people caller when everyone who's anyone know I dislike large groups of people and/or phones.
And he went: "Yeah, definitely."
And that, boys and girls, is why we don't vote. Because certain politicians dont' know what PROPAGANDA is!!! That is so sad....
So I've go this plan that if I ever plan to vote, I'll personally meet each and every candidate and make a series of references associated with literature, dropping hints such as "Mustapha Mond," "Alex DeLarge" (which is, technically, a movie reference, as well), "Killgore Trout" and "Aberforth Dumbledore." Should one of these politicians understand and acknowledge each and EVERY reference, I will reward them with my vote.
So, basically, I've lost all faith in politics (EXCEPT YOU< class="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_23">MUAH MUAH MUAH!) and will never vote, (UNLESS ITS FOR OBAMA"S SECOND TERM!!! MUAH MUAH!).
Very sad, people.
I sort of never... (OMG THESE BLOGS SAVE THEMSELVES!!! I AM NE'ER GOING ON MYSPACE EVER AGAIN!!!) ... put detail into it... and I sort fo skipped chapters... it's only thirteen pages, but I spent all day writing it... okay, half my day, I jsut woke up and then started to write, write, write... is it scary that I skipped parts so I could get to my protag's abuse??? I'll ask Mrs. Edwards (for future reference, my faithful and devoted non-fans, Mrs. Edwards is the end all English teacher)... She'll understand.. or think I'm insane... haha.
Anywho, mama says we're going out, and u know how I hate the house... so...


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