Thursday, July 2, 2009

Yale Diaries Part Three

June 30, 2008
9:15 PM-ish- JSA class, listening to two minute speeches, including the one that I just made (and totally made up on the spot *phew*).

Not having had a chance to sit down and breathe for the past two and a half days, (mostly due to constant classes and meetings), it’s strange that my first true bit of free time is actually during class. (Don’t be mad, it’s just speeches and people seem really nervous.)
The Junior Statesmen of America is an incredibly busy program, I often find myself moving about like a bee in search for pollen under its queen’s orders. Weird, I know,. My schedule is (if I remember correctly) a little as follows:
8:30 AM- Civil Rights. Our main class with a Dr. La Tosha Bruce who’s voice is really, really soothing and Misty and Melissa, and I have a hard time staying awake due to lack of sleep. Each class, we plan out break time naps.
10:30 AM- Break time. Where Melissa, Misty and I decide that we’re not so tired after all and wander around, shopping for cupcakes, light bulbs, and shoes.
11:30 AM- Lunch. all woes are forgotten when food is introduced to the equation.
12:45 PM- Civil Rights. Back in class, we lament over our un-naps. Why didn’t we get more sleep? Why???
2:45 PM- Break Time. Once again, we are so not tired, let’s hang out on the grass and listen to the boy who plays guitar until one in the morning…
3:30 PM- LPS Class. Down to the deep dark bowels of the Yale auditorium for a public speech class- us and all 169 members of the JSA.
4:30 PM- Break time. We are so totally not tired… And then there’s more food…
7:00 PM- LPS class. Back in the dungeons Noora catches a bug on a spoon and tries to throw it on me. Later, she claims she was saving me from the wretched beast. I get los ton my first day and wind up in the wrong classroom, so Mr. Blueberry has to teach me how to write a speech.
10:00 PM- Floor meeting. Laura, our RA (Camp Counselor, basically) talks about her boyfriend, Juan Jose Martinez, and goes over JSA policy.
11:00 PM- Bed check. Laura and the rest of us write a speech for her to read to her beau in Spanish, to show off her mad skills. We giggle until one in the morning.
Hope you’ve enjoyed this rather well-structured account of a day in the life of a sleep deprived, far from home almost-college student. (Nah, I’m just kidding, I’m having lots of fun, but I still miss everyone!)


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