Sunday, March 21, 2010


Hi nonexistent readers that I chat with weekly, usually on Sundays so that I might recap my week, despite the fact that I might as well be using my time for something else, like writing my book or reading about Oscar Wilde, or making a documentary, how are you?
What's that? Oh, that lovely image to your right? Well, fictional friends, that's a snapshot of the University of Puget Sound, in sunny Tacoma, Washington (SARCASM BUTTON). Why is it there? Demand my imagined followers, confused and slightly upset. Fear not, pretend people, my picture placement is not without cause.
March 19, 2010: I received a text message from a friend of mine, Christina, riddled with excited all-caps declarations of gaining admission and financial aid into the University of Puget Sound. Though I, too, applied for admission, my application seemed to have been lost in the mail... twice. Excited for Christina and curious, I texted my Nina, wondering...
Me: Did I get mail?
My Nina: You got a letter from some college...
March 19, 2010: 8:14 P.M.: I break down and call my nina, heart pounding. Here is a transcript of the conversation.
Me: Nina! Where's the letter from?
Nina: P-Peu-Peeee-Poooooooo
Nina: Sure.
ME: Please.
Nina: Are you sure?
Nina: *Opens Letter* Okay, Bianca Caraza, I regret to inform you that...
Me: *sharp intake of breath, followed by one heart-felt* Oh, no...
Nina: Just kidding, stupid! We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Puget Sound division.
Apparently, Puget Sound has seen fit to allow me into their fine school as well as reward me with full financial aid... so yay!
Thanks for reading, invisible people! <3>

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