Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Why the World Should Be Pagan- My Fail for Today


Earlier this school year my friends and I started my school's first Writers Association: The Wilde and Wordy. (I wrote out the mission statement, gathered members, advertised, and received school permission, my friends agreed to show up. Sometimes they fail.) Now, we don't really do much at the Wilde and Wordy, usually I ask if any one's worked on something. Everyone replies that no, they have not. Next I ask if anyone has a new idea. If yes, someone will launch into an explanation of how they are going to transform their latest dream into one massive, multi-layered novel- if no, then we eat our lunches and chat about silly things that make the freshman blush.

But today was going to be different. As least, I made the mistake of believing that today was going to be different. I told myself that i was finally going to crack down and- just this once- we were going to get the students to produce something.

So I walk in, and half the seniors of the class (AKA my buds) are gone to retake this math test that we all failed. Somehow, new people have wandered in to take their place, and I was really appreciative of this fact. Now, I won't name names, but someone else wanders in, following a few other, more likable students, like a large cockroach might follow some tasty crumbs. This someone happens to dislike me greatly, and this someone decided to stay for the duration of the club... needless to say, things did not go well.

But I guess that's old news.

(Even though she interrupted my favorite St. Patrick's Day speech on Why the World Should Be Pagan. [If you were wondering, it's because 1) since pagans believed in finding god through sex, everyone would be really happy and guilt-free all the time, and stress and stress-related issues would prettmuch disappear. 2) Because we'd all be pagan, we'd all basically hold the same beliefs, so we'd war would be eliminated. 3) Pagans worship nature, so pollution would go bye-bye])

Anyway, I talked to an old friend of mine who I missed terribly! (ODIE <3) and I guess things will clear up, you know?

Oh, and my school's better than your school:

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