Monday, April 12, 2010

Bee Sketched

Hey Non Existent Readers!

Sorry that I haven't posted in a while, I was entertaining some friends I met last summer in Connecticut over my fabulous Spring Break... I was going to post some pictures of the three of us hanging out at the Getty and my interview with Melissa for my senior project (I'm doing my project on the After Life and she's been reincarnated) but my phone seems to be having issues with that. My dear phone, won in a wilde came of poker one night in Paris (in a review writing contest for the Los Angeles Skirball Center in 2008) seems to be going senile. Not only did it fail to download every single one of my photos (including some that I genuinely needed for school) it also deleted said photos and spent the last couple of days quite confused- it seemed to believe that it had a pair of headphones hanging out of it's side when it, in fact, did not... this created several problems for yours truly.

Anyway, I hope that its recent software update and a few days of solid rest will do my little phone some good, as I have no wish to replace it anytime in the foreseeable future.

In other news, I've created a second blog- Bee Sketched- which is basically pictures of pictures in my sketch book.

As far as this blog goes, I hope to publish a new short story- something I find fairly fantastical and definitely Gaiman inspired- by the end of this week. Also, I was very upset to discover (right after reading Startdust and then scanning Smoke and Mirrors in its entirety) that Neil Gaiman's books and stories never end happily... further studies will be conducted by Tulane's top scientists very soon.

Well, have a magnificent evening, and should you spot a falling star on the horizon... pray it fell on the right side of the wall and fly immediately to its rescue.



P.S. I was most pleased to discover that Gaiman, my favorite living author, has his own blog. Check it out. My favorite post so far is How To Mortify Your Daughter.

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