Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Adult Inside My Heart- Grows Down

Hey Peeps!
(In honor of the so-called zombie holiday, and I say it only in fun and mean no offense ;p Just like I meant none in the rant I wrote for the I-Poly Official Magazine, where said that chocolate brains from Sees Co. would be more relevant than Bunnies...)

So I didn't even have a peep today! LoL What fun is that?

But i really did have a great Easter... I received some movie tickets and some of those sucker candies... no chocolate though... kinda sad ;p And Tia Nana gave me this kind of little kiddish polyester bright green Tinkerbell set of pajamas.... and I must say I'm sort of in love with them. ;p It's super weird/cool. Tia Bertha/Nina/Dada gave me the movie tickets :D

It was weird, my mom was blah blahing about the whole Yale thing and then... all of a sudden.. the fam was... super different...
I mean, my family's full of kids that are younger/more immature than myself and they were all... like... mature-er... It was so odd.
My little cousin has his driver's permit, he and Jared didn't just go play video games straight away, Olivia played with the little kids but everyone sat together and talked... like, every one's finally growing up... it's so weird!
And then the adults, usually, when I try to talk WITH them, they ignore me or kind of interrupt me... like, I don't really matter that much because I'm not 18+, but today, they actually talked WITH me, listened to me, responded intelligently.... IDK, it was cool/weird, the combination made for a really, really cool Easter. I mean... it was so pleasant! And what made it 10x better was that I didn't watch everyone else have a good time like I normally do, I sort of... was in it... which is rare, to say the least... I'm happy though, really happy. :)

And then I had fun dying eggiwegs, I sort of got overzealous and dies the raw ones at our house... so breakfast can be more interesting, you know? I even made devilled eggs, which I ADORE! YUM!

Oh my goodness, we had this project for English, project Tableau, and all this vacation time to work on it, and I so did NOTHING.
But I'm not freaking out... magically.

I guess it's cuz.... the sub teacher/ student teacher/ person, Mrs. Moore, she sort of tricked me by half-threatening my grade if I didn't get a group member and friend of mine to work... which is impossible because, honestly the girl's just too freaking smart to be expected to do high school work... she should have two PHDs by now... and yeah. I sort of mini exploded... which I haven't done for real in like... ever...

I lost control.

Which brought me back to my Jr. High days, which made me mad at myself, which made me mad at Mrs. Moore, which then made me even angrier at myself for being a stoopid pawn, which made me promise to calm down and not freak out like... at all.
Which has actually been working out pretty well... I feel pretty zen...

Which helped me when my mom told me that she didn't date because I'm basically too smart/annoying to be trusted around others...

I'm not even that smart! Why does no one understand that knowing random crud doesn't make me intelligent, it just gives people the impression that I am??? And that I'm not like, IDK, overwhelmed with knowledge and that's why I can't stop saying facts, it's just because, half of the time, I don't even know that they're "facts" I just say them! UGH!
It's like word vomit, thoughtless word vomit... I find it interesting so I say it and then every one's all 0.o
It makes me INSANE.
I mean, if I was so freaking smart, maybe I'd get an E in writing workshop or maybe I'd pass chemistry wit an AE!!! LoL
I'm not retarded, I just think I'm that line between Intelligent and average.

It's like:

Idiot----------------Average-------[Bianca]------ Intelligent------FREAKING GENIUS----- Jo Thorne +Kat Meza

Yeah, just like that!
Note where I am on the Brain o meter.

And don't let the zombies see!
Haha Oh, Dan Waters...

OMGoodness B&N didn't have Gen Dead Paperback edition with the two chapters of the soon-to-be-in-a-store-near-you SEQUEL!!!!'

I was SOOOOO bummed!


I almost forgot- I officially found THE BEST BOOK EVVVVVEEEER!!!!
*AHHhhh Chorus Of Angels AHHHHHHHhhh*

~ A Certain Slant of Light ~

It's *so* cute!!!

couple- old- teenage bodies- strict parents- EMPTY SHELL PEOPLE [so freakin frightening]- OMGOODNESS CUTENESS=- ROMANCE- old fashioned- he tries to tip his hat BUT HE CAN'T BECAUSE HE'S IN THE BODY OF A DRUGGIA AND HE HAS NO HATTTTT!!!! :D


Also, I'm in love with a gross/frightening movie...
Yeah, I'm sort of in love with it....

A Haunting in Connecticut!

I thought it was going to scare the pants offa me but it was actually... really touching...
And the boy, Jonah, he was so sad! I wanted to hug him... but then he was charred and I was like... *hug like white people* LoL! and then he had cancer and... and... and the whole thing about ectoplasm, I was like, OMGoodness this was so not mentioned by Mary Roach! I was like, that has to count as ghost rape or SOMETHING because that looks completely awful!
And I LOVE the paradox poem!
and the struggle with addiction and the hospitals and the end!
I loved that they found peace. :)
The sounds were gross, though, that part really, really wrong.
really great plot... I want to go see it again ;p
and "A Certain Slant of Light"
I was telling Christina how much I loved it because she read it <3>
and I was like, "OMGoodness I want to marry that book when I grow up! If it was a person and I could choose between book person and Gerard Way, I'd push Way out of the way and attack book person!"
But by that part Chris and I were cracking up too hard to even hear the rest, LoL
Way out of the way...


I'm currently enjoying my insomnia right now... I think I'd be diagnosed as a partial insomniac... weirdly, during the break, when I could sleep at late and stay up as late as I wanted, I went to be at like nine or ten and woke at 8ish.... Maybe it's my almost-insomnia...
Imma try to sleep now... This Spring Break was nice, I made a whole bunch of plans and then broke them all to eat lemon tarts and drink iced green tea at Barnes and noble and watch a scary movie and wear pretty dressed :)
That's my kind of productivity.

My Love,

ps. I figured out that I'm an Italian changeling and that, somewhere in a pasta-eating family, the real Bianca with dark hair/skin is frowning at her manicotti, wishing for beans and pronouncing "IL" as "EL" LoL


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