Sunday, April 5, 2009

Magic Meet Keyboard!

Hey Peoples...
So I finished reading the Holly Black Tithe/Valiant/Ironside series yesterday (I started... IDK, sometime during the week...) and it was SO AMAZING!!!
I figured out that I only love angsty chracters...
So, of course, I LOVE Roiben!!! and Ravus! MUAH! I love them!
But mostly I love Roiben... because, you know, he's pretty. But i still like Ravus, I love his character... the whole book is like an even more magical homeless cracked out Beauty and the Beast! YEAH! It's so cool! I even like Val a little, despite her druggieness... she falls in love with Ravus, I guess that sort of redeems her. But the whole part before the ending was so SAD! HOW COULD HE THINK SHE DIDN'T LOVE HIM!?!?!? GAH! LoL
It gave me an idea for Micte, see, she's supposed to marry this other king, Gerard of Thantos, so the kingdom can combine against Trell... only Gerard falls in love with Jane, he BFF, which she's grateful for, because she sort of hates Gerard, but no worries- they get to know each other and become platonic friend later on.
I didn't want little Micte to not have a sweetie
So I was like OHMY GOODNESS!
She can have a KAYE! (Not a girl, though, there's only room for one amazing gay character right now, and it's Jason and he's in an entirely different book, MKAY?)
like, she can't marry him because everyone disapproves of him because...
He's a fairy boy!!! (tehe, again, not gay, only room for Jason, Jason darling needs his space!)
He's got wings! (And I'm debating on a different color skin but all I can come up with is GOLD! Yeah!)
and since he's a fairy, he's not really supposed to be trusted, but then I'm thinking he's only half Fairy... don't ask how that happened...
and since he's a mutt, no one likes him!
But Micte most certainly does *wags eyebrows*
and yeah!
it'll be so PERFECT!
and I'm thinkingI like the Eragon/Tithe Name thing, it'll cause some good fear/angst... maybe
Oh this week is spring break... EASTER VACATION!
and my mom already seems to not be in a very good mood... *sigh*
this is so normal it's sad.
RATH ROIBEN RYE!!!!!!!!!!!
M really bored right now...
I have this urge to be super duper magical! And I'm going to ren fair as a fairy!! YEAH! (I've been planning that anyways, LoL)
but now i have this problem, it's growing and growing and growning exponentially...
cuz, see...
I really want to write something MAGICAL
Even though I have all these new ideas for Misha...
I really want to write *Magic*
so My OBVIOUS choice is Micte and her magical kingdom of death! <3>
But then there's Ava! And she's PSYCHIC!


and then I was reading Isabel and I realized what a horrible writer i was/can be


I've got tons of plans for vacation time, and almost none of them involve being home :D
peace out- lovers!

ps. FOUR pages of the new I-Poly Magazine!!!
FOUR!!!! <3333

pss. i want to glamour myself green-eyed, blond and long-haired with crazy long lashes and a freaking sweet fairy costume and wings and.... and... and....

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