Sunday, March 29, 2009

Midnight Bayou and Surfers At The Beach


(That was a good 'waugh' not a bad 'waugh' just to be crystal clear, loves.)

So this past week was a good one. And by good I mean that it went by fast. But good things happened, too... Yesterday Nina and I went to the beach, that's the beauty of California; you work on your tan while the rest of the world cries about the cold and their tears freeze upon their cheeks.

Oh, we did Macbeth, just a little chunk in front of the class with a lil chunk of people. I was the Porter, aka a drunken buffoon. The only thing was, since we had eight characters to play and only five people, we had to edit some characters out entirely and, somehow, my group made it so that I said most of the lines of the terminated characters. Of course, I still had to play a staggering drunk.
It was interesting. But i don't think Mrs. Edwards was very happy with it.
See, I've got this loud, overbearing personality, and people tend to get the impression that I'm a drama queen, which I totally can be. I exaggerate and love being the center of attention once a day. But people also think that means that i take things uber seriously and IDK, touch my hand to my forehead and faint when there's no cake at home or something.
Half the time I just don't care that much.
But i got the distinct impression that MRS EDWARDS got the distinct impression (Did I mention that Mrs. WDWARDS is my HERO?) that I purposely made it so that I got all the lines. I mean, as fun as it was to stagger around the stage, speak loudly (I always speak loudly, I'm Mexican for goodness sakes), accidentally step on Victor's toe and swish around bearing a bottle of ale (Diet Snapple peach tea, my fav drink right now besides water and Shirley temples and virgin pina coladas) and be in front of my incredibly judgemental of every move I make- I practically jumped offstage.
I mean, I like being on stage... i used to... a lot more... IDK, I just kind of think... i was good in freshman year... I used to be more talented... I don't know.
SO I'm reading The Burn Journals... very sad book... it's the one that Kat was late for that one time! LoL
Anywho... I really want to write... but meh...
Cal Poly starts tomorrow.... I really don't want to go.
Hope everyone had a great weekend and does the earth hour and watches/watched MIDNIGHT BAYOU!!! (freaking awesome movie!!)
PS. everyone made a huge deal about this whole thing with these people I used to know, they posted an "apology" to everyone via my space, bullet-pointing specific people; Me being one of them. He even put "even though you probably don't care" It was so hilarious when I finally read it today- people were making a huge deal about it- I couldn't stop laughing, because I really, really don't.
I'm really different. At least, I really hope I am.

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