Thursday, March 19, 2009


Hey Babes.
So, for once, I'm not a totally depressed emo kid while blogging... and now I understand that stereotype. LoL I'm actually in a good mood.
Today was gender bender day for spirit week at my kooky-crazy-awesome school. I never like gender bender day... and then I was watching my favorite fall out boy music video (like, the only good one ;p tthe one with VAMPIRES) and I was like
Dandy: an effeminate, vain or foppish, well-dressed man.
Which is basically me with a sock in my pants (but I didn't wear a sock in my pants, don't worry).
SO I wore a top hat and the white shirt, the vest, the blazer, the white gloves, the black pants, boy shoes (they had heels, though) AND a cane.
The sad thing was- I only had to buy the white gloves.
... and it was only because I lost my original pair of white gloves! LoL

So I've been super tired allllll day.... oH!
Here's how it went:

Me: (Behind some kind of concert center where Panic was)
*Spots Brendan Urie, ignoring the rest of the band, including Ryan Beautiful Ross.*

Christina: Meh.... *looks around for something more interesting to do*

Brendan Freaking Beautiful Man Urie: Hey

Me: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhh! *freaks out*

Christina: *sigh*

Brendan Delicious Urie: Sup?

Freaking awesome two second long dream. SO realistic, i think. :)
So yeah....
In-N-Out.... yum
MAMA! Love that song...
Now I just have to dream about Gerard and Will Becket.... oh, I want to dream about CRAM!!!!
Or, like, Jeremy or somebody... haha
Mrs. Edwards liked my outfit (I'll post pics soon) so that's cool...
I'm kind of confused in the writing area... but I'll do something eventually...
Oh... The whole Yale thing- Update-
*How Bianca feels*
It's making me nervous, if I don't get a scholarship I'll never be able to go, I'm going to look like an idiot hippie surrounded by a crap load of democratic geniuses, We can't afford it, I have to share a room, People don't like me that much, I hate people, I'm going to have to BE AROUND people, there's a graduation and I'll trip when they call my name or blank out like when I graduated from Eighth grade, I'm too weird to be left alone with people my own age, I don't speak teenager, only adult or some weird made-up language that people can only glean a few words from every so often, I'm going to miss Harry Potter, If I don't go then I might as well shoot myself now because i'm just a weenie and I'll never amount to anything, I'm going to have to be working constantly which it okay with me but only God knows, I'm not going to bring Nala and I haven't even told her yet (LoL, seriously!), I won't be aloud to sing loudly or even play music loudly, EVERYTHING is scheduled, I blank out too much to be on my own, right?, I just blank out A LOT, people are going to think I'm stupid because I have to ask whats going on all the time because if I'm not talking or doodling or something I just go on standby like a computer... Yeah.

These are my worries/woes/concerns.

Also, totally separate from this, I don't know what the heck to turn in for Writing Workshop!!! AHHH! I have a week to pull brilliance out of my ass!
I don't care... I just want to bask in the sun :)

Thanks for reading.


ps. I was such a cute boy today! I was a real gentlemen! LoL! Omg like two people broke my cane today! Ahhhh! LoL

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