Saturday, March 21, 2009

Ender and Nightmares

Hey guys.
I read Ender's Game finally... it was sad. and really good. I called Kat to thank her/yell at her for making me read it. I feel so bad for Ender. I want to go into Card's world and just save Ender and tell everyone how stupid they are. Wah.
But yeah. I haven't really been in a people mood today, not in a bad mood just in a .... in a sort of scared bunny rabbit mood. I stayed up until one in the morning to finish it (Kat gave it to me on Thursday morning). The only problem was that I was so tired, I was forcing myself to stay awake.
And then I had this awful nightmare, so scary it was... it was tangible.
But i saw a friend of mine in it, and someone mentioned her father and she was freaking out in the dream... or something. SO I texted her right now... it turns out she's been having trouble with her father...
Being psychic would be cool/ inconvenient.
Oh, yesterday, I was really happy because during Journalism everyone had to work because almost no one met deadline (not why I was happy, I'm not a sadist, LoL) but everyone was asking me for help and I was like, really productive, but only unofficially. Then Like fifteen minutes before class was over, someone told Mrs. Edwards that the dance team has been forbidden to practice where they usually practice. So she was like:
"Oh, Bianca can right that."
So then she kept in her classroom for two blocks (the second block was during this football game between the senior girls and junior girls, which, secretly, I was glad to miss) and then Buddy Bump (so cool) can to visit and we chatted and he taught me how to use semicolons and it was just Mrs. Edward, Buddy, Amira and myself for like, over an hour :D
It was really nice :)
And then Chris kept calling me and she was like 'Where are you?" but Mrs. Edwards was helping me fix my article and she yells in the phone
"She's with me, Amira and Bump, she BASKING in our coolness!!!"
I so was. ;p

So yeah, I'm not in a bad mood or anything... I just feel like... I don't know, my dreams are almost always either nonsensically awesome or inexplicably horrible. [Like, once I had a dream I was Indiana Jones' son, I also had a dream that I was being tortured and that particular dream seemed to last from the moment i shut my eyes to the moment I opened them. Once I had a dream I was sexually attacked and once I ad a dream that I drove to London in the Bat mobile... you get my point, here?] And every time I have a really awful dream, I feel like I have to recuperate the whole day. I'm all tired and scared and i can't shake 'em.
And God forbid someone else should be involved because then I can't rest until I talk to them/ see them...
People laugh at me when stuff like that happens, mostly.
Although, when I tried to make sure my friend was okay, she didn't mind so much :) So that's cool. ;p
Anywho.... I was rereading my NaNoWriMo novel, Love You? I Don't Even Like You! A Hate Story. And I really like it- I'm super excited to have Kate read it :)
And I'm anxious to get Infected published.... I need to get Isabel off my mind, she's starting to become slightly naggy! LoL
Anywho, I forgot how much I loved Jer and Iz today, when I was rereading a little word doodle I did on their son, Gabe. Gabe's all disgusted by them and i'm just like awwww You guys are soooo cute! I miss writing cute. All my characters are either hateful (Misha), half-angry (Cram and William :) or unable to touch (Avalon and Mikey) I miss writing the semi-normal relationships... as normal as something I could write might get, anyway. LoL.
So yeah... My mom's doing this in-home follow up interview thing with a potential coworker right now... He's MASSIVE! He's like... so huge... like a mutant... guy named Jesse... LoL freaking tall. He seems nice, though... but his hands are really soft... boy's probably never done any physical labor in his life... my hands are more callused than his and I'm probably ten years younger than he is. ;p
How much can you tell from a simple handshake?
Well, I feel a little less freaked, now... from my dream, I mean. But today every turn seemed like the potential for my nightmare to come true. My mom had me go to this party with my uncle Joe's family and I was terrified. LoL And then I couldn't find a corner to hide in and I was going to EXPLODE! LoL
Anywho, thanks for reading.
Ps. Orson Scott Card is a total genius... LoL I want to play in the battle room! <3
Oh, hey:

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